Tag Archives: abortion

Right Wing on a Roll

Reprinted from TheFeeheryTheory.com

It has been a good couple of weeks for conservative activists. They have been able to take issues that they care deeply about and get the MSM (or main-stream media) to pay attention.

First, it was the trial of abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell that caught fire.

I noticed on my Facebook page some of my “friends” kept talking about this Philadelphia doctor who killed babies after they were born. They were complaining bitterly how the trial was not being covered by anybody outside of Philly.

And as it turned out, they were right. The MSM didn’t cover the story for weeks, especially in Washington. But late last month, a switch seemed to turn, and the GR888, even Morning Joe would talk about it on their roundtable discussions. Continue reading

The Castro Boys

Reprinted from TheFeeheryTheory.com

Yesterday morning, Barbara Harrison was on the radio, promoting a story for the local NBC newscast, about a baby who was found in the garbage, barely breathing, who grew up to be a 23-year old college graduate who is doing great today, thanks to the person who found her in the plastic bag and the family that helped to raise her.

Later that day, came the revelations of three women who escaped from three brothers named Castro. The women were held as sex slaves, repeatedly raped and beaten for more than a decade.

That was bad enough. It turned out the three women would be beaten even more when they became pregnant, and that five of those pregnancies were ended, either before or after the kids were born.

I was pro-life before yesterday.

I am more pro-life today. Continue reading

Brave New World

Reprinted from TheFeeheryTheory.com

In 1931, Aldous Huxley wrote his satirical novel about a world divided into castes, where recreation, not procreation, was the primary purpose of sex, where children were mostly created in test-tubes, where society was managed by a big world government that enforced harmony through drugs, and where the global population was capped at two billion people (which you can do when everybody is born in a test-tube in a central, government-sponsored lab).

We are a long way away from the Huxley’s Brave New World, but then again, he described how things would be 300 years from now. We still have time to get to Huxley’s bleak world. Continue reading