Tag Archives: Arizona’s new immigration law

This Election Won’t Be the Last


Republicans—for good reasons—are pretty giddy about the prospects for Election Day.  Unless unemployment suddenly drops, there is just no precedent in American history for the election to result in anything other than a massive victory for Republicans.  The mainstream media can rant all they want about the Tea Party and the party of ‘no’, but it will not change a thing in my opinion.

But , in addition to the issues of the economy, massive spending, and ObamaCare, another issue is emerging as salient and defining.  I am talking about immigration.  Depsite, our election-year euphoria, my fear is that we Republicans are failing to fully grasp and understand the power of a defining moment in American politics, a failure that could have long-term implications that are not good for our Party.

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Raising Arizona

BY Gary Andres

From Weekly Standard.com

When Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed her state’s new immigration law on April 23, reaction from the political Left was swift and furious. They predicted jack-booted rogue cops staging midnight raids on the homes of everyone.

But after over a month of national debate and media coverage – including criticism from both the American and Mexican presidents, and a host of newly minted experts, a curious thing is happening.  The state’s new law has not led to massive deportation or racial cleansing in the desert. And there is even some evidence it’s growing in popularity, both in Arizona and nationally.

Ironically the same liberals, intent on tearing down the new law through hyperbolic invective, may be contributing to its widening support.

Arizona’s immigration law deeply offends the sensibilities of most liberals – particularly those who don’t live there. Their rhetoric would be comical if it weren’t so predictable.

Miguel Guadalupe, writing at the Huffington Post, described the measure as a “Gestapo Law.”  Colombian singer Shakira called it “unjust and inhuman.”  Seth MacFarlane, creator of the TV show “Family Guy,” told Reuters Television, “Nobody but the Nazis ever asked anybody for their papers.”
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