Tag Archives: conservative publications

Rubio is Right. National Review? Not so Much.

Reprinted from TheFeeheryTheory.com

I have long been a fan of the National Review.

When I was in college, I would read the National Review to annoy the teachers. I had friends and mentors who wrote for the iconic magazine. I drew inspiration from William Buckley, who was the Godfather of the conservative movement. And you will always be entertained when you pick up a copy of the magazine.

Buckley broke with several conservatives when he came out in favor of legalizing drugs and when he expressed some real doubts about the Iraq war. But that was a while ago, when the conservative magazine marketplace wasn’t very crowded.

Now that publishing niche is very crowded indeed. Weekly Standard has been siphoning off some of its readers. Daily Caller has become the American political version of the Daily Mail.  And of course, the Drudge Report, the conservative news aggregator is the king of all things conservative. Continue reading