Tag Archives: Dan Balz

Heed the Call


 What follows will be considered nothing less than heresy by other children of the ’60s (who are now IN our 60s), but the irony is too perfect to ignore.

  • The poet laureate of our generation was a guy named Robert Allen Zimmerman, better known to some as Bob Dylan.
  • Of all the poems he set to music, one of my favorites was “The Times They are a’Changin'” which was a plea to “mothers and fathers,” “writers and critics,” and “Congressman, Senators” to (in the latter group) “please heed the call.”
  • Ok. You remember the song and, if you are of a certain age, you will now walk around for the rest of the day with the tune bouncing off synapses unused for the nearly five decades since you might have listened to someone playing it on their Martin nylon string guitar sitting on the floor of the TKE house at Marietta College, Marietta, Ohio 45750.
  • Or, some variant on that theme.

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