Tag Archives: honesty


Reprinted from Mullings.com

The Darling-of-the-Left du jour (how many French words can I pile up at the top of this column?) is a Democratic State Senator from Texas named Wendy Davis. You may remember that she burst onto the national scene by staging a filibuster in the waning moments of a special Texas legislative session this past summer.

It helped that she was a blonde and attractive woman. It helped that she is a Democrat in a very Red state. And it was crucial to the narrative that her filibuster was an attempt to stop the State Senate from voting on a law seen as pro-life. Continue reading

FactCheck.Org for Media – Please!


Did you know that 11 states now have more people on welfare than they have employed?

Really? Yeah, swear to God. It was on the Internet.

Well, that piece of gossip is just not true. It was concocted from statistics contained in a magazine article.

I know that because I read FactCheck.org. In fact, when I get stuff like that forwarded to me, I send it to my good friend Brooks Jackson to find out what is true, half-true, or untrue. He would always send me a link to an article on the FactCheck.org site which had, what else? The facts. Continue reading