Tag Archives: Medicaid

Carolina ‘Yay/Boo’ Cheer

Reprinted from TelemachusLeaps.com

Everyone was all a-twitter last weekend when a lower level deputy Treasury secretary, not President Obama, announced in his blog, (not the President’s) that the onerous employer-mandate section of Obamacare (just that part, nothing else) was going to be suspended for a year.

Until after next year’s mid-term elections.

Of course. More political gamesmanship from this President on health care. Every time there is a ‘cost’ associated with Obamacare that gets pushed to the out-years while the bennies of Obamacare get shoved to the in-years from day 1 (coverage of children til age 26, etc). Continue reading

Healthcare Stats You Can Use

Reprinted from Telemachus.com

  1. 1% of the US population, about 3.1 million people, use 35% of all healthcare expenditures each year. The specific people in this number change each year due to death or recovery.
  2. 5% of the US population, about 15.5 million people, use 60% of all healthcare expenditures each year. The specific people in this number change each year due to death or recovery.
  3. Many, if not a majority of these people are in the Medicare and Medicaid programs.
  4. Healthcare now consumes 18% of GNP. It is expected to consume 20% of GDP by 2021.
  5. Chronic disease such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and strokes account for most of our expenditures.
  6. Anywhere from 35%-50% of all healthcare expenditures can be attributable to these four conditions. Continue reading