Tag Archives: minimum wage

What is this CBO?

Reprinted from Mullings.com

Over the past three weeks the Congressional Budget Office (better known as the CBO) has made a great deal of news.

First, opponents of Obamacare (of whom I am one) pointed to a report at the beginning of February in which the CBO seemed to claim that the law would cause the loss of some 2.3 million jobs over the next three years.

It appears that what the CBO really said was even worse: The jobs will be there but more than two million people will find it financially more beneficial to sit at home and watch NCIS reruns, leaving home only to get their prescriptions for medical marijuana filled. Continue reading

Minimum Sense

Reprinted from TheFeeheryTheory.com

There are two ways to look at the proposal to increase the minimum wage put out by the President in his State of the Union Address.

There is the way that economists and small business owners look at it:  Increasing the minimum wage makes it harder for businesses to hire workers.

Then there is the way that some on the left look at it:  Only by increasing the minimum wage will you entice people off of welfare and into the workforce. Continue reading

When Unemployment Rate Goes Up


Reprinted from the Feehery Theory

The jobless rate and economic growth are not necessarily connected.

An economy can grow without people going back to work. Companies can make profits and not necessarily hire people. We are now going through a jobless recovery, despite President Obama’s delusional declaration that jobs are coming back.
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