Tag Archives: Republican voter

Kicking Butt on Bill Maher


Reprinted from Mullings.com

Some of you may remember that I told you in Friday’s MULLINGS that I was going to be on Bill Maher’s HBO program, “Real Time.” I said that I was going to be on with, among other people, Keith Olbermann.

Then I typed: “Olbermann & Maher v Galen. I think that’s a fair fight, don’t you?”

Turns out it wasn’t. I kicked butt.

The show is produced at the CBS studios in Los Angeles, and I got to the Studio at about 4:30 Pacific (it goes on live at 7 PM), so I had plenty of time to poke around and look at stuff. One of the stuffs I looked at was flipping through the channels on the TV set in my dressing room and I came upon the closed circuit channel showing the camera rehearsal in the studio downstairs. Continue reading