Tag Archives: retirement

Individual Mandate Hit on Young Americans

Reprinted from TheFeeheryTheory.com

22 House Democrats joined with just about every Republican to delay the individual mandate included in the massive Obamacare law still being implemented three years after it was signed by the President.

House Republicans scheduled a vote on the mandate delay shortly after the President decided to delay the mandate on the business sector on his own accord.

If a mandate is good enough for the business community, the reasoning goes, it ought to be good enough for Generation Y.

And the fact of the matter is that the individual mandate is going to hit young adults the hardest. They are the ones who will be forced to buy insurance they don’t want and can’t afford.

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A Real ‘Independence’ Day

Reprinted from TelemachusLeaps.com

Consider throwing your incumbent Congressman and Senator out of office in 2014 who has voted time and time again to saddle us with a 1935 version of ‘dependence’ that has not kept up with the times: Social Security.

Replace them with someone who will vote for the greatest economic freedom and independence package the world has ever known for each and every American citizen, young and old.

‘The New Great Deal’ that really is one and doesn’t just pretend to be. Continue reading

Imagine There’s No Trust Fund…

Reprinted from TelemachusLeaps.com

…It’s easy if you try.

We are constantly reminded of just how great of a job FDR’s advisors did in the Great Depression ‘selling’ the American people on the whole notion of Social Security being some form of ‘insurance’ or ‘pension’ plan.

Which is it: ‘Insurance’ or ‘Retirement’? Or both? Who the heck really knows nowadays almost 80 years later? Continue reading

What’s the Mayan Word for “Cliff”?

Reprinted from Mullings.com

Boy, I’m good. I finished Wednesday’s column with: “Plan B might not pass, but Plan C or D, or Q will find its way to the floors of the two Chambers before December 31 and will pass.”

Plan B is not going to pass as last night the House Republican Conference…


You might have noticed over the past 14 years that I refer to the assemblage of the GOP in the House and Senate as the “Republican Conference” and the Democrats as the “Democratic Caucus.” That’s what they call themselves. Continue reading

Federal Retirement Reform Right Way

Reprinted from TheFeeheryTheory.com

In the mid-1980’s, Social Security was going broke, as was the Federal government. And the retirement program for all Federal employees was in the cross-hairs of voters who thought it cost too much and was too generous to retirees.

I was thinking about the transition to the current Federal Employee Retirement System as I picked up a letter sent to my wife from the Thrift Savings Program.

The TSP was a part of the reform effort from that period in history when Ronald Reagan was President, Bob Dole was Majority Leader, and Tip O’Neill was Speaker of the House.

I ran across a fascinating history of that period written by Jamie Cowen in a back issue of the Employee Benefit Research Institute magazine. Cowen was a staff member of former Senator Ted Stevens, a driving force behind the reform initiative at that time, and his insights into how a major reform of an entitlement program is informative. Continue reading