Tag Archives: MSNBC

Our Talking Points Society

Reprinted from Mullings.com

An essay in the San Francisco Chronicle yesterday pointed out that as the oral arguments on same-sex marriage proceeded in the Supreme Court the use of the term “unfollow” jumped to ten times its normal frequency.

Blogger Caleb Garling wrote, the context of the word “unfollow” was generally: “If you do/n’t like gay marriage, unfollow me” or telling someone with a particular stance on gay marriage, that they were now unfollowing them because of that view.

For those who may be unfamiliar with the Twitter-verse “followers” are loosely analogous to “friends” on Facebook. A major difference is: Anyone can “follow” Continue reading

Obama and His Critics


Reprinted from the FeeheryTheory.com

I was working out at the gym this morning (I know, miracles never cease), and I looked over briefly (I know, you don’t believe me), at the television and saw one of the hosts interviewing Rachel Maddow.

I am not the biggest Rachel Maddow fan in the world (ok, I am not really a fan at all) and I immediately assumed that the topic of conversation was on the President’s decision on “don’t ask, don’t tell”, an issue that apparently is important to the MSNBC host.

According to the headline blaring at the bottom of the television screen was “Is Obama losing his base?”

Interesting question, given that the previous day, the President struck a blow for some of his most passionate supporters by going through with change in a long standing military policy. Continue reading

Lybia, Gadhafi and US


Reprinted from mullings.com

You have to hand it to Moammar Gadhafi. When many leaders of Islamic and/or Arabic nations are are struggling to find a way to calm down protesters by offering to do things like sitting down and talking with the opposition, he sends his son out to declare, according to NBC News, that the Gadhafi regime will “fight until the last man, the last woman, the last bullet” to keep itself in power.

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