Tag Archives: Rich Galen

Another Jacksonian Era


Reprinted from mullings.com

The deal to head off a government shutdown Friday night got done because a guy named Barry Jackson said it was done. Not one second before.

I have no – zero – inside info on what in the press world is known as a “tick-tock” who said what to whom, and when they said it. I am not one of Barry Jackson’s pals. I’m not even sure who they might be.

But, I have known Barry Jackson for about 15 years and I know this: He has the ability to focus in on a problem not like a laser – that would be too diffused; but like the beam of sub-atomic matter zooming around a particle accelerator.

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Get New Scorecard for Judging Value


Reprinted from mullings.com

We need a new way of keeping score when it comes to government spending. The only test is: How much did we spend on a program last year and how much more (or, rarely, less) are we spending this year.

There is no mention of whether the program in question is working well, badly, or not at all. There is no consideration of whether there is a more efficient way to deliver whatever services or goods are involved in the program.

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Shut Down Government


Reprinted from mullings.com

Over the 12 years of writing MULLINGS, I have often strayed – sometimes pretty far – from Conservative Orthodoxy.

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Obama Speech Okay But Late


Reprinted from mullings.com 

President Obama’s speech on Monday night was, at best, OK. It got tongues wagging about the “Obama Doctrine” which appears to be: “If it won’t drag Iran into the fight we’ll take a look.”

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Lybia, Japan and Other News


Reprinted from mullings.com

There has been so much going on this week, it’s almost impossible to make sense of it all in just one column.

First of all the is the ongoing non-war in Libya. It is a non-war in which country appears to want to take control.

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Bahrain, A Jewel in the Desert


Reprinted from mullings.com

Headline:Saudi Troops Enter Bahrain to Help Put Down Unrest

Come with me into the Wayback Machine.

Back in the day, I worked for a company called EDS which had been founded by a guy named Ross Perot. Perot was gone in the mid-90s when I was there and got involved with what I’m about to describe to you.

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Union Wars in Wisconsin


Reprinted from mullings.com

The standoff between Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and the Democrats in the State Senate has been going on for two weeks and may last for weeks or even months longer.

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The Age of Digital Campaigns


Reprinted from mullings.com

 We’re probably within a week of the first Republican candidate to file papers opening an exploratory committee to “test the waters” in the 2012 Presidential campaign.

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Every Federal $ Benefits Somebody


Reprinted from Townhall.com and mullings.com

The chatter around Your Nation’s Capital among the cognoscenti, the intelligentsia, and smarty-pantses over the past 24 hours was: Is there any real meaning to the House vote to repeal Obamacare?

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Washington Week: Health Care and Hu


Reprinted from mullings.com

Here’s the essence of the gulf between House Republicans and Democrats on the Obama health care bill: According to Kelly Kennedy writing in USA Today:

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Letter from Zanzibar, Tanzania

Reprinted from mullings.com

Dear Mr. Mullings:

We believe we have had this discussion before. When you go traipsing off to interesting corners of the world, we expect to be along for the traipse. What happened to Friday’s MULLINGS?

The Old Town, Virginia Explorer’s Club

Yes, well, we were in Zanzibar, which is a series of islands off the coast of Tanzania and the Internet went out Thursday night. I believe I might have uttered those famous words: “Toto, we’re not in Kansas anymore.”
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Slash Federal Spending? Some Tough Choices



From Nairobi, Kenya

Reprinted from Mullings.com

I have been in Kenya since Saturday night on a trip sponsored by the ONE Campaign. I am with seven other political pros – pollsters, advisors, message masters, and me. Later today we move on to Tanzania for about three days before heading home.

We are not spending much time on photo safaris in Massai Mara National Park. We have been to a research center run by the U.S. Army and followed young Kenyans who went to a rural village to do in-home HIV testing.

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President, Politics and A New Year

Reprinted from Mullings.com
There are a number of sites which will recount the month-by-month news for 2010. I’m not going to do that.

There is only one story for 2010 – and it was not Stephen Strasburg needing Tommy John surgery. That was number two.

The only story for this year was the uprising among American voters to produce a 63 seat turnover in the U.S. House plus major changes in the U.S. Senate, in Governors’ mansions, in State Legislatures, county courthouses and city halls from one end of the nation to the other.
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308,745,538 of Us


Reprinted from mullings.com

The U.S. Census Bureau announced yesterday that as of April 1, 2010 there were 308,745,538 people living in the United States – the result of the 2010 census which is required by the U.S. Constitution in Article I, Section 2:

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