Tag Archives: private sector

Misdirected Call for Bigger Government

Reprinted from TheFeeheryTheory.com

Sometimes the private sector does it to itself. That’s what makes Washington such a confounding place to do business.

Purists like to talk about how the government shouldn’t get involved picking winners and losers.

It is a nice thought. But making that nice thought reality is not always possible.

From outside the beltway, it looks so simple. Those damn politicians, who think they are holier than thou, get their sense of glory by regulating the poor old business sector, an innocent bystander that would act efficiently if only the government would stay out of their business. Continue reading

Space Exploration Needs Obama Relaunch

Reprinted from the Wall Street Journal

During his first term, President Obama set out to transform NASA’s relationship with the private sector, announcing a plan in February 2010 to make technology, innovation and commercial space travel and exploration the centerpiece of his administration’s space strategy. Despite great resistance from special interests, the president proposed to cancel NASA’s programs to build government-designed rockets, leaving that to the private sector.

Unfortunately, Congress wouldn’t go along. Now that Mr. Obama has started a second term, however, he is well positioned to recommit himself to a vision that in the long run will benefit every American and may be remembered as a 30-year arc of Reagan-Bush-Obama space policy. Continue reading

President Obama’s Fine Mess

Reprinted from TheFeeheryTheory.com

My friend Meg’s mother likes to say, “Everything is fine until it’s not fine.” That pretty much sums up Barack Obama’s quest for reelection.

The President stepped in it last week when he reiterated his belief that the private sector is “doing fine.” The Romney campaign jumped on the statement and got plenty of traction framing the President as out-of-touch on what is really happening with our economy.

When unemployment is north of eight percent, obviously things are not fine with the private sector. It is easy to see why the White House believes everything is fine with the private sector, especially as compared to the public sector. Jobs have been created in the market place but have been lost in government, especially at the state and local level. The Obama team sees those statistics and assumes that the real problem with the unemployment numbers comes with severe cuts in government spending. Continue reading

Revisiting Humphrey Hawkins


Reprinted from the Feehery.theory.com

On the eve of St. Patrick’s Day in 1978, the New York Times reported that the House approved by legislation, which established the official policy of the United States that the unemployment rate should be 4%. “The bill authorizes the use of fiscal and monetary policy, public service jobs, job training and counseling and all other means to achieve full employment…The legislation was supported by a coalition of labor, civil right, liberal, religious and women’s groups and was backed by President Carter.” Amendments offered by Republicans to require a balanced budget and achieve an inflation goal of 3% were rejected, and most GOPers voted against final passage of the bill, calling it an empty promise.

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High Cost of Collecting Corporate Tax


Reprinted from telemachus.com

Ever wonder if all of the money and energy that goes into political fights over the US corporate income tax is really ‘worth it’ or is all this argument over corporate taxes just a huge waste of time and a ‘political pinata’?

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Shameful Slime


 From the Feeherytheory.com

 Bill Murray’s character in the movie “Ghostbusters,” Dr. Peter Venkman, had the iconic line: “He slimed me!”

The Democratic Party has taken on the role of the Ghosts in “Ghostbusters”: They are all about the slime.

I was on the Ed Schultz Show last night when Ed showed Louisiana Congressman Charlie Melancon’s new commercial against David Vitter, who he is running against for the Senate.

Louisiana has had some tough times lately. It is still recovering from Hurricane Katrina. The oil spill has had a grave impact on the economy. According to some analysts, the job situation down there is reaching Depression type levels.

Serious issues.

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When Unemployment Rate Goes Up


Reprinted from the Feehery Theory

The jobless rate and economic growth are not necessarily connected.

An economy can grow without people going back to work. Companies can make profits and not necessarily hire people. We are now going through a jobless recovery, despite President Obama’s delusional declaration that jobs are coming back.
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